Speed Kills

Some days, I wish that I were more patient. Today isn't one of them.
May | 22 | 2012


May | 22 | 2012

platform450A new book about platforms is now in the Amazon top-five.

Unfortunately, it’s not mine (although that may change this week after a certain high-profile review is supposed to hit). Fingers crossed. More on that later this week, I hope.

Michael Hyatt’s new book, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, is absolutely killing it right now (and it isn’t even out yet). Not surprising, given his previous successes.

Am I jealous? Not really. I wish Hyatt all the best with this one—although it’s not like he needs my good wishes.

From what I can tell, his is a very different book than The Age of the Platform. Hyatt’s book will probably sell a zillion copies. I actually hope that it raises awareness of the importance of platforms because I believe that they are essential these days. A rising tide lifts all boats and all that …

The Age of the Platform may ultimately go down as “another platform book.” Who knows? This much is certain: it won’t be a me-too book. It can’t be. It was published seven months ago.

Regardless of how well my book does, I know that the Kickstarter route I took to publish it was the right one. Had I played by the rules of the publishing establishment (and published the book essentially now), I have very little doubt that The Age of the Platform would have a much harder time gaining traction.

Pick your maxim:

  • Speed kills.
  • Real artists ship.
  • Fortune favors the bold.

I’m glad that I’m impatient resourceful and believe in myself and what I have to say.


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