I’m a bit of a stats guy. I like playing with numbers to understand things better. As I look at the most popular posts from the past year, I can’t say that I’m entirely surprised. There’s a big amount of Big Data going on. Tried and true posts like my disdain for Microsoft Access 2007 seem to have some staying power, and I’m not exactly shocked that my Breaking Bad interview with Jonathan Banks got some play.
Without further ado, here they are in descending order of popularity:
- Big Data and Teenage Sex
- Reporting vs. Analytics
- Looking for Data Visualization Case Studies for My Next Book
- The Myth of the Data Scientist
- My Interview with Jonathan Banks of Breaking Bad
- Visualizing Health Care Data
- Social Networking in the Workplace
- Three Ways Writers Evolve Over Time
- Why Microsoft Access 2007 Sucks
- Book Trailer for The Visual Organization
- Netflix, Big Data, and the Big Leap of Faith
- Refine Your Data the Google Way
- George Orwell and Why I Write