Thoughts on the future of data storage and analytics.
Category: Data
“In God we trust. All others must bring data.”
—W. Edwards Deming
Category: Data
Big Data and Hype: Where Are We Now?
Checking in on its current adoption.
How Basic Analytics Can Prevent Compliance Debacles
Thoughts on how simple measures can prevent catastrophes.
The Visual Organization: Chinese Version
Good news on book number six.
The Case Against Analytics Projects
Successful companies today adopt a totally different mind-set.
What’s holding back organizations’ analytics efforts?
Thoughts on the most formidable obstacles: people and culture.
Why Big Data Means Big Salaries
Those with coveted data and technology skills will flourish in this new era.
Does your organization’s infrastructure support Big Data?
Thoughts on an increasingly important question.
The Case for Interactive Data Visualizations
Why it’s important to move beyond static dataviz.
Who’s Looking for Free Tech and Analytics Expertise?
I am seeking a variety of interesting capstone projects for my ASU students. You in?