Award-winning author, dynamic keynote speaker, trusted advisor, & workplace tech expert 


Current Site Status

A log of issues and my valiant efforts to solve them.

Temporary solutions often become permanent problems.

—Craig Bruce


June 1, 2023: I rebuilt the site from scratch. It should run much faster than before. Here is a post that I wrote about the experience.

February 10, 2023: There are some performance issues. I’m on it.


Issues from years past


All quiet.


September 30, 2021: At this risk of jinxing it, I think that I finally crossed the Rubicon with my theme, caching, and hosting issues. #calmblueoceans

September 10, 2021: I’m finally live with the most current version of Divi. Yeah, there are some problems. Come on Elegant Themes!

July 23, 2021: Menu on individual blog posts wasn’t working. Fixed. ✅

March 31, 2021: Blog posts and podcasts weren’t appearing. Damn plug-in issue. Fixed. Hat tip: Dan Keldsen.

January 15, 2021: Ajax search in the site menu is currently broken. I’m reverting to the old search until the developer updates the plugin.

January 15, 2021: Menu should be fine now on any browser and on any device.

January 14, 2021: Menu isn’t working on certain browsers. I’m on it.


August 28, 2020: Some of my sticky call-to-action buttons were causing problems. I’m looking into the issue. Issue now resolved.


November 7, 2019: Menu issues were plaguing my site. All better now. @genoq rocks.

March 20, 2019: My site should be running much faster now. Bye bye Font Awesome.

January 31, 2019: Funky button issue on home page on iPad. Fixed.


June 19, 2018: My site is experiencing a few issues. I’m in the middle of a major cleanup with help from the folks at Monterey Premier.

May 7, 2018: Divi caused an issue with my contact forms not working. Temp fix applied.


June 23, 2017: Widgets in the footer and sidebars mysteriously disappeared. All good now.


February 3, 2016: There was a problem with the navigation menu. All is better now.


August 27, 2015: All better now. Looks like it was an image-optimization issue after all. Kraken really helped.

August 22, 2015: The site is loading slower than normal. Most likely, this stems from possible plug-in conflicts with WordPress 4.3. Resolution pending.

March 18, 2015: Date issue for events is fixed; they are now showing up with the event date, not the date on which I published the event.

January 23, 2015: Tab issue appears to finally be fixed. Superfluous carriages kept appearing, driving me crazy.


December 26, 2014: The sites for my third and fourth books ( and now redirect to their corresponding pages on this site.

November 27, 2014: Minor tweaks, including fixed links to some of the book pages.

November 3, 2014: I had a few things miscoded like the The Next Wave of Technologies book page related posts. I also fixed a few misplaced carriages. These little buggers are pesky. They keep reappearing. Divi knows that this is an issue and evidently is working on a fix.

October 31, 2014: Event videos have been fixed. There was some type of strange Vimeo short code conflict with either a plugin or the theme. I had to replace all videos. Thank heavens for TextExpander.

October 22, 2014: New site is live. There were a few minor images issues but all seems to be well. There are a few minor formatting issues that will be fixed in the next day or so.

September 10, 2014: Posts from have now been ported over. There may be a few lingering image and URL issues.

September 3, 2014: Site search was broken; it’s fixed now.

June 21, 2014: Navigation menu issue appears to be solved. This one was very tricky and probably plugin-related.

June 9, 2014: Navigation menu has been acting strange; sidebar is not appearing on the side. Looking into this.

February 6, 2014: I rolled back the site a few weeks to try to isolate the issue. Everything appears to be back to normal. Posts were briefly deleted.

February 3, 2014: There are some bizarre CSS issues, perhaps stemming from a plug-in. The iPad version is also broken. It might be an iOS 7.0.4 issue. I’m on it.


November 18, 2013: Site home page was missing; it was defaulting to a list of blog posts. Probably a WordPress issue. Restored.

June 26, 2013, 6:00 pm: All better.

June 26, 2013, 12:00 pm: Some YouTube videos in posts aren’t appearing correctly. There’s an issue with the responsive video plug-in. I’m working with my developer on the issue. There’s also an issue with the mobile site because of a WP Engine/Zerigo issue.