Award-winning author, dynamic keynote speaker, trusted advisor, & workplace tech expert 


Book #11

Reimagining Collaboration

Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom and

the Post-COVID World of Work

Book I: The Future of Work

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that effectively working together in a distributed and virtual fashion is essential. Phil Simon provides a clear framework to achieve this critical yet elusive goal.

—Brad Feld, Foundry Group partner, Techstars co-founder, and author of Startup Communities

About the Book ℹ️

Publication date: January 1, 2021. (Amazon shows a different date. I’ll have to talk to Jeff about that soon.)

Publisher: Motion Publishing

Pages: 284

Size: 5.5″ x 8.5″

“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by ignorance.”
—Hanlon’s Razor

Over the past five years, organizations adopted Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams in droves. Think of COVID-19 as pouring gasoline on the fire. The pandemic didn’t start a trend as much as it accelerated an existing one.

Unfortunately, far too many of us mistakenly view these applications as Email 2.0. As a result, we are missing out on extraordinary opportunities to do the following:

  • Create more collaborative work environments
  • Increase organizational transparency
  • Reduce manual work
  • Make employees’ work lives less stressful
  • Simplify core business processes
  • And much more.

Blame ignorance, not malice. We have lacked a holistic framework to understand the remarkable power of new collaboration technologies, much less unleash them. At least until now.

In Reimagining Collaboration, I provide this essential framework. I advance a new, bold, and holistic model of work—one based upon hubs and spokes. No theoretical text, I offer concrete tips for companies and groups on how to transform the way they work.


What’s the book about in 82 seconds?

Awards & Accolades 🏆

I’m doing something right:


The deal for the Russian version is done. A few more deals are in the works. I promise.



Physical Book

A few pages from Reimagining Collaboration: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and the Post-COVID World of Work that set the table for the rest of the book.

The Book: Visualized


“The perfect handbook for anyone who has to work with teammates on a job or project.”
—The BookLife Prize. (Read the entire review here.)

Reimagining Collaboration is the thoughtful and useful owners’ manual that every team needs for the WFH era.”
—Jay Baer, Founder of Convince & Convert and co-author of Talk Triggers

“COVID changed your company forever. Phil Simon’s Hub-Spoke Model of Collaboration is the way of the future, and he knows Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams better than you know your lover’s voice. Don’t get left behind. Read Reimagining Collaboration.”
—Josh Bernoff, former SVP, Forrester Research and author of Writing Without Bullshit

“Plenty of business books make us think. Some even inspire action. Reimagining Collaboration is the rare book that not only accomplishes both, but provides the framework to effect real change. It is essential reading for anyone leading or managing today’s rapidly shifting workplace. Business leaders should buy copies for all of their employees.”
—Nick Huzar, OfferUp CEO

“We all collaborate, although some do it better than others. We all need to align our talent, technology, and technique appropriately for the times. Phil Simon’s Reimagining Collaboration will up your game, regardless of your current level of expertise or collaboration tool of choice.”
—Prof. Terri Griffith, Keith Beedie Chair in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Simon Fraser University

“An insightful perspective on the new world of work. Collaboration is more essential than ever, and Phil Simon provides the roadmap we need.”
—Dorie Clark, author of Entrepreneurial You and executive education faculty, Duke University Fuqua School of Business 

“Phil Simon’s latest book not only defines collaboration with a depth and breadth never before seen, it defines the future of work in tomorrow’s successful organizations. Reimagining Collaboration is a must-read not only for those leading knowledge management and productivity efforts, but for every business leader in any organization.”
—Doug Laney, Innovation Fellow, West Monroe Partners and author of Infonomics: How to Monetize, Manage, and Measure Information as an Asset for Competitive Advantage

“You will love Reimagining Collaboration, a humor-filled yet perceptive journey into the remarkably collaborative future of work. Simon’s framework and practical tips will help your team move from good to better to best.”
—Dr. Mary Donohue, Founder, The Digital Wellness Center and author of Message Received: 7 Steps to Break Down Communication

“At one time or another, I’ve used many of the tools discussed in this book. I just didn’t fully appreciate the bigger picture. Reimagining Collaboration made me appreciate the true power of these collaborative technologies—especially when used together.”
—Brian Sommer, technology industry analyst and author of Digital With Impact 

“Solutionists believe that new technologies magically solve major challenges by themselves. Of course, they’re wrong. Effective collaboration is a nuanced, multi-dimensional problem—a point that Phil Simon makes in spades. Ultimately, Reimagining Collaboration delivers on its promise: To make readers not only think differently about this essential subject, but provide a framework for actually doing it.”
—Mike Vardy, founder of Productivityist and author of The Gift of Time

“Simon’s Hub-Spoke Model of Collaboration will change the way you think about internal communications and productivity forever.”
—John Jantsch, author of Duct Tape Marketing


Conversations About Collaboration is my book-related podcast.

Related Press, Interviews, and Guest Posts

Hardcover or paperback?

Both. The hardcover dropped on March 11, 2021.

Will there be a second edition?

I never say never, but as of November of 2021 I doubt it. I said what I wanted to say and don’t see the need.

Is there an audiobook version of the book?

Yes. It dropped in March of 2021. Baller Gary Bennett kicked ass as usual.

Is the book focused on a specific collaboration tool?

No. It’s very much vendor-agnostic by design. Whether you’re using Slack, Teams, Zoom, Google Workspace, Cisco Teams, or something else, your organization and team can benefit from Reimagining Collaboration.

How does Reimagining Collaboration differ from all of the other future-of-work books?

Well, I certainly haven’t read them all. As far as I know, Reimagining Collaboration is the first and only book to focus on the transformative power of internal collaboration hubs. And the Hub-Spoke Model of Collaboration is my creation.


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