Award-winning author, dynamic keynote speaker, trusted advisor, & workplace tech expert 


Book #10

Zoom For Dummies

Zoom For Dummies is the definitive guide on the über-popular suite of collaboration tools that is keeping more than 300 million people connected in unprecedented times and transforming how they work. 

About Zoom For Dummies ℹ️

A brief summary of the book.

Publication date: July 22, 2020

Publisher: Wiley

Pages: 400

Formats: Paperback, eBook, and audiobook (arrives October 27, 2020).

Translations: German and Dutch. French version arrives in March of 2021. Cue Bill Murray line.

For years, holding a videoconference or sharing your screen with a colleague was maddening. We could put a man on the moon, but we couldn’t seem to get videoconferencing and basic collaboration right.

At least until now.

More than 300 million people have seen the light in the form of Zoom, the world’s hottest suite of collaboration tools. Zoom For Dummies shows you how to get the most out of Zoom. Discover how to hold group video calls, install time-saving apps, engage your audience with interactive webinars, dramatically improve the way that you communicate and collaborate with your colleagues, and much more.

Specific topics include:

  • Create a group video call
  • Easily share your screen
  • Collaborate with others in real time
  • Record calls for future use
  • Make life easier with third-party apps
  • Secure Zoom from prying eyes
  • Hold interactive webinars
  • Integrate Zoom with popular third-party apps
  • Learn about Zoom’s lesser-known products, such as Zoom Phone, Zoom Rooms, and more

If the following SNL skit below hits all too close to home, then Zoom For Dummies is for you.

Book Trailer

A quick and hopefully funny overview of the book.


57 pages of Zoomy goodness from the new book and a two-minute audiobook sample.

Click here for a two-chapter PDF excerpt.


What readers are saying about the Zoom For Dummies.

No one can make everyone happy—even me. Still, reviews are largely positive:

As expected with books that sell a decent number of copies, some of the reviews are downright priceless. This is probably my favorite non-review review:

#SMH #WriterLife


Tips & Resources

Getting the most out of Zoom.


Known issues with the first printing of the book.

It would be naïve of me to think that none slipped through the cracks, especially since this book happened so quickly. I’ll ensure that the publisher fixes any errors in the book’s second printing.

Updated: August 27, 2020

We should be able to get these fixed in the book’s fourth printing.