Award-winning author, dynamic keynote speaker, trusted advisor, & workplace tech expert 



If I haven’t covered it elsewhere on my site, here’s some more information about working with me.



When do episodes drop?

Sporadically on Tuesday mornings.

What are the requirements for guests?

Come prepared and on time. Make sure that your recording room is quiet and your Internet connection is solid.

Is the show tightly scripted?

Not at all. I review the general outline before recording with guests but frequenlty deviate from it. Think Curb Your Enthusiasma semi-scripted show.

Will you send me a preview of the episode before it launches?

Yes, but I won’t spend hours doing extensive audio edits. It’s a professional show, but I like the fact it isn’t overly polished. If you insist that I take out every um or ah, then you best not appear on the show.

Any other requirements of guests?

I politiely ask that you share the episode with your networks on different social-media channels. No, you don’t have to bombard them, but tweeting or posting an update on Facebook or LinkedIn isn’t too much of an ask. Oh, and please do tag me.

Looking for sponsors?

I am. Contact me to start the process.

What's the deal with Short Form?

In November 2022, I started reading some of my blog posts. Short Form isn’t a traditional podcast; it’s just a way for others to listen to my short-form thoughts.

What are your payment terms?

I work on a retainer basis.

What kinds of consulting arrangements do you offer?

The problems that I solve require more than a one-hour consultation. Checking in for one hour every three months is not a recipe for success. At the same time, however, I understand that people may not have unlimited time to spend. Long story short: I try to be as flexible as possible.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements with your clients?

If requested, sure. They just can’t be too onerous.

Will you work as a subcontractor?

Usually no. I want to maintain a direct relationship with my customers. I strongly prefer not having to deal with third parties as it pertains to billing and other administrative matters.

Are you available for virtual events?


Are you vaccinated?

Yes, since April of 2021. I also received all possible boosters. #science

What topics do you speak about?

My talks fuse current trends, tech, management, and data. Specific topics include the future of work, platforms, Big Data, management, technology, trends, collaboration, workplace tech, and communication.

What are your speaking requirements?

I prefer to use my own computer. I’ve had way too many issues with using other people’s machines. Beyond that, I’m pretty low-maintenance. I like using projectors, lecterns, and confidence monitors. I prefer lavaliers to proper microphones. I arrive the night before events to ensure that there are no travel snafus. Finally, on the day of the event, I like to do a soundcheck at least two hours before I’m scheduled to go on. Belts and braces, as they say.

Are your talks boilerplate?

No, they are not. They are all customized. I work with my clients through a series of phone calls to determine what they want from my talks—and, just as important, what they don’t want me to cover.

Can I watch some of your talks?

What do your clients say about you?

Will you sign books before or after your talks?

Absolutely. I really enjoy individual interactions with conference attendees.

Do you still teach at ASU?

I do not. I chose not to renew my appointment in May of 2020.

Many reasons factored into my decision, not the least of which was my desire to spread my wings and teach at other institutions. To be sure, ASU provided me with an invaluable foundation and I made the most of my opportunity. At the same time, though, I know that I can do a whole lot more and effectively teach critical classes.

What is your AACSB classification?

Under the guidelines of The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), I qualify as a scholarly practitioner. Click here to learn more.

Will you connect with your students on social networks?

Just on LinkedIn.

What is your teaching philosophy?

It’s pretty straightforward. Click here to learn about how I approach it.

What types of students have you taught?

In short, all kinds. At ASU and Cornell, I taught undergrads. For UOL, I taught predominantly grad students.

I'm a former student of yours. Will you write me a recommendation letter?

Yes, if you meet the following criteria. First, you must have received at least an A- in my class. Second, you must have received at least a 40/50 for class participation. Third, you were an in-person student. I just don’t get to know my online students very well.

If you qualify, then I’ll happily sing your praises to future employers and grad schools.

Do you believe in extra credit?


Do you visit your Rate My Professor page?

I never have and I never will. Here’s why.

Do you prefer teaching online or in-person?

I have taught both but I prefer the personal interaction that only in-person classes can offer. As much as I like using technology to communicate with students, I’m well aware of the limitations of remote tools. Beyond that, recording lectures for future viewing doesn’t allow me to tweak them before live classes.

For all of these reasons, if I had my druthers, I would teach largely in-person courses.

How often do you check e-mail?

Far less frequently than I check Slack.

Do you still run Motion Publishing?

No. I sold the company on August 4, 2017. Click here to read more about the acquisition. For four years after, I maintained the website, but I no longer do that. 

What's your new publishing venture?

I started Racket Publishing in 2022.

Are you open to other side projects?

I’ll always have a conversation.

Are you still on Twitter?

Very infrequently and for not much longer. #diasterzone

Where do you live?

I moved to Arizona after taking a job as a professor at ASU. I had spent the previous five years in Vegas.

Got a current resume?

For a very long time, I didn’t maintain one. If I did, I figured that it would look like the ones referenced here. In short, I believe that my body of work on this site and many others trumps a three-page, text-laden document that proves that I can conform to rules. I have worked extremely hard over my career at creating what I believe is interesting and valuable content, the vast majority of which you’ll find on this site.

I still believe these things. However, In 2015 I pursued—and landed—a full-time professor position. As a result, I buckled and put one together.

I like your website. Can you build mine?

First, thank you for the compliment. For a while, I built websites for a select group of clients. I ultimately decided, though, that the squeeze just wasn’t worth the juice.

Can I guest post on this site?

No. There are more than 1,400 posts on this site. There’s plenty to read, and I flag these requests as spam. Be warned. 

PC or Mac?

All Mac, baby.

What keeps your powder dry?

It’s very important for me to get my ya-ya’s out. I like to get a proper sweat going every day either at the gym or on the tennis court. Depending on the time of year, I might torture myself on the golf course. Beyond physical activity, I feed my brain via reading, Sudoku, Scrabble, Jumble, and other games designed to keep it sharp.

Do you endorse books?

Over the past five years, I’ve endorsed a decent number of books. Typically, I have known the author for a while.

Why Pinto?



Questions and answers about I help organizations collaborate.

What are your payment terms?

I work on a retainer basis.

What kinds of consulting arrangements do you offer?

The problems that I solve require more than a one-hour consultation. Checking in for one hour every three months is not a recipe for success. At the same time, however, I understand that people may not have unlimited time to spend. Long story short: I try to be as flexible as possible.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements with your clients?

If requested, sure. They just can’t be too onerous.

Will you work as a subcontractor?

Usually no. I want to maintain a direct relationship with my customers. I strongly prefer not having to deal with third parties as it pertains to billing and other administrative matters.


Questions and answers about Conversations About Collaboration and Short Form.

When do episodes drop?

Sporadically on Tuesday mornings.

What are the requirements for guests?

Come prepared and on time. Make sure that your recording room is quiet and your Internet connection is solid.

Is the show tightly scripted?

Not at all. I review the general outline before recording with guests but frequenlty deviate from it. Think Curb Your Enthusiasma semi-scripted show.

Will you send me a preview of the episode before it launches?

Yes, but I won’t spend hours doing extensive audio edits. It’s a professional show, but I like the fact it isn’t overly polished. If you insist that I take out every um or ah, then you best not appear on the show.

Any other requirements of guests?

I politiely ask that you share the episode with your networks on different social-media channels. No, you don’t have to bombard them, but tweeting or posting an update on Facebook or LinkedIn isn’t too much of an ask. Oh, and please do tag me.

Looking for sponsors?

I am. Contact me to start the process.

What's the deal with Short Form?

In November 2022, I started reading some of my blog posts and posting them on Short Form isn’t a traditional podcast; it’s just a way for others to listen to my short-form thoughts.


Questions and answers about my live events and seminars.

Are you available for virtual events?


Are you vaccinated?

Yes, since April of 2021. I’m also current with the latest booster.

What topics do you speak about?

Quite a few, actually. Recent talks have focused on platforms, Big Data, management, technology, trends, disruption, innovation, and communication.

What are your speaking requirements?

I prefer to use my own computer. I’ve had way too many issues with using other people’s machines. Beyond that, I’m pretty low-maintenance. I like using projectors, lecterns, and confidence monitors. I prefer lavaliers to proper microphones. I arrive the night before events to ensure that there are no travel snafus. Finally, on the day of the event, I like to do a soundcheck at least two hours before I’m scheduled to go on. Belts and braces, as they say.

Are your talks boilerplate?

No, they are not. They are all customized. I work with my clients through a series of phone calls to determine what they want from my talks—and, just as important, what they don’t want me to cover.

Can I watch some of your talks?

What do your clients say about you?

Will you sign books before or after your talks?

Absolutely. I really enjoy individual interactions with conference attendees.

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.

—Winston Churchill


Questions and answers about what I do in higher education.

Do you still teach at ASU?

I do not. I chose not to renew my appointment in May of 2020.

Many reasons factored into my decision, not the least of which was my desire to spread my wings and teach at other institutions. To be sure, ASU provided me with an invaluable foundation and I made the most of my opportunity. At the same time, though, I know that I can do a whole lot more and effectively teach critical classes.

What is your AACSB classification?

Under the guidelines of The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), I qualify as a scholarly practitioner. Click here to learn more.

Will you connect with your students on social networks?

Just on LinkedIn.

What is your teaching philosophy?

It’s pretty straightforward. Click here to learn about how I approach it.

What types of students have you taught?

In short, all kinds. At ASU and Cornell, I taught undergrads. For UOL, I taught predominantly grad students.

I'm a former student of yours. Will you write me a recommendation letter?

Yes, if you meet the following criteria. First, you must have received at least an A- in my class. Second, you must have received at least a 40/50 for class participation. Third, you were an in-person student. I just don’t get to know my online students very well.

If you qualify, then I’ll happily sing your praises to future employers and grad schools.

Do you believe in extra credit?


Do you visit your Rate My Professor page?

I never have and I never will. Here’s why.

Do you prefer teaching online or in-person?

I have taught both but I prefer the personal interaction that only in-person classes can offer. As much as I like using technology to communicate with students, I’m well aware of the limitations of remote tools. Beyond that, recording lectures for future viewing doesn’t allow me to tweak them before live classes.

For all of these reasons, if I had my druthers, I would teach largely in-person courses.

How often do you check e-mail?

Far less frequently than I check Slack.


Side Gigs

Questions and answers about my side projects.

Do you still run Motion Publishing?

No. I sold the company on August 4, 2017. Click here to read more about the acquisition. For four years after, I maintained the website, but I no longer do that. 

What's your new publishing venture?

I started Racket Publishing in 2022.

Are you open to other side projects?

I’ll always have a conversation.


Questions and answers about everything else.

Are you still on Twitter, X, or whatever boy genius is calling it today?

I’m not. It’s the very definition of a shitshow. Tweet at me if you like, but I won’t notice it.

Where do you live?

I moved to Arizona after taking a job as a professor at ASU. I had spent the previous five years in Vegas.

Got a current resume?

For a very long time, I didn’t maintain one. If I did, I figured that it would look like the ones referenced here. In short, I believe that my body of work on this site and many others trumps a three-page, text-laden document that proves that I can conform to rules. I have worked extremely hard over my career at creating what I believe is interesting and valuable content, the vast majority of which you’ll find on this site.

I still believe these things. However, In 2015 I pursued—and landed—a full-time professor position. As a result, I buckled and put one together.

I like your website. Can you build mine?

First, thank you for the compliment. For a while, I built websites for a select group of clients. I ultimately decided, though, that the squeeze just wasn’t worth the juice.

Can I guest post on this site?

No. There are more than 1,300 posts on this site. There’s plenty to read.

PC or Mac?

All Mac, baby.

What keeps your powder dry?

It’s very important for me to get my ya-ya’s out. I like to get a proper sweat going every day either at the gym or on the tennis court. Depending on the time of year, I might torture myself on the golf course. Beyond physical activity, I feed my brain via reading, Sudoku, Scrabble, Jumble, and other games designed to keep it sharp.

Do you endorse books?

Over the past five years, I’ve endorsed a decent number of books. Typically, I have known the author for a while.

Why Pinto?