Award-winning author, dynamic keynote speaker, trusted advisor, & workplace tech expert 



Public Speaking

Nervous in front of crowds? Not as effective as you’d like. Let me help.

Effective Public Speaking

The Problem

Many professionals fear public speaking and would rather go to the dentist than get up on stage. The very idea of addressing a large group of people sends shivers down their spines. And then there are those who routinely bore their audiences with a litany of safety words, truly horrible slides, uninspired deliveries, and generally mediocre performances. You might have been able to get away with this 20 years ago. After all, what else would audience members do in their chairs?

Speaking is much like singing: Anyone can do it, but most people don’t do it well.

Today it’s never been tougher to command an audience’s attention. Whether it’s a conference, corporate retreat, seminar, or training class, it doesn’t matter. Nearly everyone comes packing a smartphone, tablet, or laptop—or even all three. Speakers who fail to engage their audiences will quickly be ignored. Bored attendees look down at their devices, not up at the speaker. Make no mistake: They aren’t taking notes or tweeting. They’re checking their e-mail, tooling around on Facebook, texting, or surfing the web. As was certainly the case below, the speaker’s message fell on deaf ears.

The Solution: A Personal and Experienced Speaking Coach

Speaking is much like singing. Yes, anyone can do either, but both are skills. (Trust me: You don’t want to hear my belt out a tune.) Over the past 20 years, I have addressed more than 30,000 people at more than 300 events in eight countries.

I dispense plenty of speaking advice on this site, but some professionals need more personal assistance to overcome their fear of public speaking and wow their audiences.

Along these lines, as I coach I help speakers:

  • Craft their messages
  • Develop their slides in a collaborative manner
  • Offer detailed feedback on ways to be more effective and dynamic
  • Practice before the big event

Read First

The great playwright George Bernard Shaw once famously said, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

Good point.

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