Award-winning author, dynamic keynote speaker, trusted advisor, & workplace tech expert 


Looking for Analytics Case Studies for My Eighth Book

Want your organization featured in Analytics: The Agile Way?
Feb | 28 | 2017


Feb | 28 | 2017

I’ve read more than my fair share of tech and business books over the years. It’s safe to say that many if not most are at best prosaic and at worst redundant and simplistic. Their problems often stem from poor writing, oodles of jargon, little originality, questionable research, obvious generalities, and a paucity of actual informative examples. (For more on why most case studies suck, click here.)

I’m actively searching for case studies for my next book.

I like to think that I’m not the world’s worst writer. Most accomplished scribes recognize that how you write matters as much as what you write. Put differently, even the world’s most beautiful prose in the world cannot overcome weak examples and a faulty premise.

To this end and as is my custom, I’m actively searching for case studies for my next book Analytics: The Agile Way.

In other words, this is a call.

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Types of Case Studies

In general, I see case studies case studies falling into the following three buckets: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The Good

If your organization uses Agile methods to glean insights from its data, then I’d love to talk. No, I don’t need to know your organization’s secret sauce, but the case study cannot be excessively vague. For instance, if the sum total of the example is “We use analytics and they rock!”, then we’re not a good fit.

The Bad

Let’s say that your current or former organization or department has used analytics in “the old fashioned” way and has struggled. If you’ve begun to take steps to become more agile, then I’m interested in talking.

The Ugly

Let’s say that your current or former organization spent boatload of money on a Waterfall analytics project and failed miserably.

Contact me if you’re interested.

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