Award-winning author, dynamic keynote speaker, trusted advisor, & workplace tech expert 


Higher Education

I develop and deliver premium courses for colleges and universities on business, tech, and analytics.


The existing courses that I’ve taught fall under the umbrellas of data, technology, and management. Here are some specific ones that I’d love to teach.

Apart from the courses that I’ve taught at ASU, I’ve given many guest lectures over the years at schools such as Carnegie Mellon University, McGill University, Johns Hopkins, and others.

Regardless of where and what I’ve taught, students have generally enjoyed my classes and learned a great deal from them.

Course Development and Redesign

For institutions of higher education, the halcyon days of the 1950s have long passed. These days, colleges and universities often need to augment their staff with experienced professionals on a contract basis. Reasons typically include:

  • A faculty member takes a sabbatical.
  • A department faces a surge in student demand for a course.
  • A department’s current staff does not possess the time or expertise to develop a new course—or refresh an existing one.
  • An unexpected emergency creates a crisis.
  • A course is long in the tooth and needs to be completely rebuilt or retooled.

I can help. I taught plenty of courses, developed a few from scratch, and repaired a few downright damaged ones during my four years at ASU.


I prefer to teach in-person courses if possible because I believe that the experience is better for all involved. If needed, I’ll teach online and hybrid courses as well. Global pandemics tend make these types of compromises necessary.

The existing courses that I’ve taught fall under the umbrellas of data, technology, and management. Here are some specific ones that I’d love to teach.

Apart from the semester-long and summer courses that I’ve taught at ASU, I’ve given many guest lectures over the years. Schools include Harvard University, Carnegie Mellon University, Santa Clara University, Seton Hall, Appalachian State University, and others. I also taught a popular course on data visualization in 2019 for UOL in Brazil. Here is a quick video from it.

Regardless of where and what I’ve taught, students have generally enjoyed my classes and learned a great deal from them.

Read First

The great playwright George Bernard Shaw once famously said, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

Good point.

Before we connect, it's important to determine if we are a good fit. To that end, please read this short page. I’d also recommend checking out my rates.