Award-winning author, dynamic keynote speaker, trusted advisor, & workplace tech expert 



I help individuals, groups, and organizations get the most of out of low-code/no-code tools.

For Software Vendors & Service Providers

Content Marketing

With so many LC/NC vendors and service providers out there, how can any one of them get its message out?

To this end, I offer a number of services that help vendors amplify their messages. Over the years, I’ve worked with some of the world’s largest software vendors to do that very thing via blog posts, white papers, webinars, and other means.

For an overview PDF of the LC/NC-related services that I provide, click here. Click here to learn about custom editions of my book Low-Code/No-Code: Citizen Developers and the Surprising Future of Business Applications.

For Everyone Else


In the immortal words of Robert L. Glass, “The answer to a feasibility study is almost always yes.”

Great quote.

As a set of tools, is low-code/no-code even right for your team, project, department, or organization?

It’s a fair question—and one that far too many groups fail to ask until it’s too late.

As I write in Low-Code/No-Code: Citizen Developers and the Surprising Future of Business Applications foolish is the soul who believes that any LC/NC tool is a panacea. Let me help assess whether low-code/no-code makes sense for you.

App & Partner Selection

It’s no overstatement to call the low-code/no-code vendor landscape confusing. Against a backdrop of myriad tools and service providers, how do you ensure that your team, project, department, or organization doesn’t make a massive mistake? Pooh-pooh the risk of vendor lock-in if you want, but it’s very real. These bells are difficult to unring.

The same truism applies to selecting a service provider. Walking down the aisle with the wrong one may result in a messy divorce, monthly alimony payments, and oodles spent on attorneys’ fees.

A relatively inexpensive investment can minimize the chance that you select a fundamentally incompatible tool or partner. Let me help.

Phil showed us how we could automate a number of manual processes with our existing tools. We should have hired him much earlier.

—Current client


Your team, partner, department, or organization has embraced low-code/no-code, but you’re decidedly underwhelmed. In short, the juice hasn’t been worth the squeeze. WTF?

Perhaps the software is to blame. (After all, we love to blame tech; it can’t blame us back.) Odds are, though, that the problem stems from another cause. Specifically:

  • Is there a lack of employee training?
  • Has your organization properly communicated the deployment of these tools?
  • Are key individuals, groups, or departments hindering the adoption of LC/NC tools?
  • Are there other bottlenecks that are inhibiting its success?
  • Why are talented potential citizen developers leaving your organization?

Let me help you figure out what’s going on—and how to alleviate the problem.