Award-winning author, dynamic keynote speaker, trusted advisor, & workplace tech expert 


Visualizing Your Blog, Part 1

Check out this neat dataviz tool from Wordle.
Apr | 21 | 2011


Apr | 21 | 2011

I recently came across a pretty neat tool from Wordle. In a nutshell, you can enter your site’s or blog’s URL and Wordle will present an image of the commonly used keywords.

Click on the picture to embiggen it.

I wish that I could remove words like “Share” because that seems to be misplaced. On the other hand, maybe I’m just the most generous guy in the history of the Interweb.


I can only assume that size matters here. I would guess that bigger words appear more frequently than smaller ones. It’s kind of neat to see the topics about which I write displayed like this. I’d love to know why prepositions such as “through” appear yet “people” (a topic about which I am usually ranting) is minimized.

So, what does a picture of your site look like?

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 Blog E Data E Big Data E Visualizing Your Blog, Part 1


  1. Jim Harris

    I am shocked that ‘RUSH” isn’t in your Wordle — and about the size of “SHARE” 🙂

    Wordle is really cool. However, it weights more recent content more (which of course makes sense) and therefore my Wordle would have “SPAM” quite prominent due to my recent blog post on the topic 🙂
    .-= Jim Harris´s last blog ..Wednesday Word: April 21, 2010 =-.

  2. Gary Boyd

    It looks like it also reads your rss feed. And since I was reading your post in my reader I wasn’t surprised with the prominence of “Share” at all…Here is what is at the end of each of your posts…

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    When I did my own blog it was pretty much the same. Just without the word share…But with all of the social media names. Depends on your plugin I guess.
    .-= Gary Boyd´s last blog ..If I Only Had The Day To Play =-.

  3. Jill Wanless

    I like the word SHARE. It suggests commonalities, giving of yourself, communication and contribution. 🙂

  4. philsimon

    Thanks for the comments, all. Yes, the Rush omission was startling. I would have thought that it would appear at least thrice.

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Blog E Data E Big Data E Visualizing Your Blog, Part 1

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  1. Jim Harris

    I am shocked that ‘RUSH” isn’t in your Wordle — and about the size of “SHARE” 🙂

    Wordle is really cool. However, it weights more recent content more (which of course makes sense) and therefore my Wordle would have “SPAM” quite prominent due to my recent blog post on the topic 🙂
    .-= Jim Harris´s last blog ..Wednesday Word: April 21, 2010 =-.

  2. Gary Boyd

    It looks like it also reads your rss feed. And since I was reading your post in my reader I wasn’t surprised with the prominence of “Share” at all…Here is what is at the end of each of your posts…

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    When I did my own blog it was pretty much the same. Just without the word share…But with all of the social media names. Depends on your plugin I guess.
    .-= Gary Boyd´s last blog ..If I Only Had The Day To Play =-.

  3. Jill Wanless

    I like the word SHARE. It suggests commonalities, giving of yourself, communication and contribution. 🙂

  4. philsimon

    Thanks for the comments, all. Yes, the Rush omission was startling. I would have thought that it would appear at least thrice.