Contribution in Forthcoming HBR Book on Agile Methods

Some golf applause is in order.
Jan | 15 | 2020


Jan | 15 | 2020

A few years ago, I penned a piece for Harvard Business Review on how Nextdoor used analytics and agile methods to reduce racial profiling. I excerpted the article from Analytics: The Agile Way.

Today I’m pleased to report that that article will appear in a new book called Agile: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review. The book represents a curated group of real-world examples on how companies have embraced Agile methods and seen impressive results.1Needless to say, I can’t wait to get my copy.

Pre-order it on Amazon by clicking on the book to the right. It’s slated for a July publication, a bit after Slack For Dummies arrives.


  1. As I know all too well, the Waterfall method is prone to disaster.

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 Blog E Announcements E Contribution in Forthcoming HBR Book on Agile Methods

1 Comment

  1. MrBosski

    I can also recommend Dean Leffingwell’s Agile Software Requirements, especially when dealing with big companies.

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Blog E Announcements E Contribution in Forthcoming HBR Book on Agile Methods

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1 Comment

  1. MrBosski

    I can also recommend Dean Leffingwell’s Agile Software Requirements, especially when dealing with big companies.