Award-winning author, dynamic keynote speaker, trusted advisor, & workplace tech expert 


Age of the Platform Day

Trying to raise awareness and sales as high as possible for one day.
Dec | 1 | 2011


Dec | 1 | 2011

OK, I’ll admit it. I’m a media whore.

There. I’ve said it.

I’m also a big believer in, er, borrowing good ideas. So, I’m stealing the marketing idea in this post from my friend and fellow author Scott Berkun. (I did ask permission before my cybertheft, though.)

Behind the scenes, I’ve been busting my ass generating PR for The Age of the Platform: How Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google Have Redefined Business. I’ve had some successes lately, with Small Biz Trends, the New York Times, and ReadWriteWeb running pieces on the book lately.

But I’m also not easily satisfied.

(Gosh …this is sounding like a therapy session.)

So, I’m asking for your help.

On Friday, Dec 9th let’s see how low we can get the ranking for the book.

The math is simple:

More sales = lower ranking.

More buzz = more sales (I think, anyway)

I’ve been able to crack 15,000 for the regular book and 10,000 for the Kindle edition.

If you have 60 seconds to help, here’s what you can do:

  1. Leave a comment. Example: “I’m in. What can I do?” or something along those lines. By leaving a comment I can follow up with you via email to help organize. It will be very simple, I promise.
  2. Mark your calendar for Friday, Dec 9th.  And plan to tweet, share, blog, or do something book-related. Click here to add a reminder to your calendar (.ical).
  3. Plan to buy the book as a holiday gift, or for your team, on Friday, Dec 9th.

I’ll provide more details, including sample tweets and status updates you can reuse if you like.

Want to try the book out? No problem. Click here to read a sample, here to listen to an audio sample by someone with a silky smooth voice, and here to watch the video trailer with beautiful piano music from Jordan Rudess.

Link to tweet and share for the book:

Let’s see how many books I can sell today. Can you help @philsimon reach new lows on #Amazon? (Yes, lows). 

If you don’t tweet (Charlie don’t surf, right?), then Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, or your personal sites would be great for a quick reference.

Thanks, all. Let’s see how low we can go!

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  1. Marty Moseley

    Hey Phil – I’ll help!

  2. Lauren Hanson

    You rock, Phil. I’m in; what can I do?

  3. Phil Simon

    I’ll be keeping my eyes for this Tweet and will be selecting a few random people to win a free Kindle edition:

    Let’s see how many books I can sell today. Can you help @philsimon reach new lows on 
    #Amazon? (Yes, lows). 

  4. Michele Welch

    Count me in Phil. Let me know how I can help. 🙂

  5. Phil Simon

    Thanks to all of you who helped make Platform Day a success. Highlights included a cartoon from Rich Murnane and a nice review on HubSpotfrom David Wells. Tweets came from all sorts of people, including Jane Applegate, Melinda Emerson, Natalie MacNeil, and many others. You guys rock.

Comments close 180 days after post publishes.


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  1. Marty Moseley

    Hey Phil – I’ll help!

  2. Lauren Hanson

    You rock, Phil. I’m in; what can I do?

  3. Phil Simon

    I’ll be keeping my eyes for this Tweet and will be selecting a few random people to win a free Kindle edition:

    Let’s see how many books I can sell today. Can you help @philsimon reach new lows on 
    #Amazon? (Yes, lows). 

  4. Michele Welch

    Count me in Phil. Let me know how I can help. 🙂

  5. Phil Simon

    Thanks to all of you who helped make Platform Day a success. Highlights included a cartoon from Rich Murnane and a nice review on HubSpotfrom David Wells. Tweets came from all sorts of people, including Jane Applegate, Melinda Emerson, Natalie MacNeil, and many others. You guys rock.