The hype cycle is on overdrive.
Posts Tagged as: Marketing
Posts Tagged as: Marketing
The Teaching Shackles Are Off. It Feels Amazing.
Communication, Dataviz, Higher Education, Technology
Dan Pink was right in 2009. He still is.
Publication of Analytics: The Agile Way
Analytics, Announcements, Higher Education, Publishing
My eighth book has hit the shelves.
An Open Letter to All Technology Partners
Analytics, Communication, Technology
Why clarity is essential for partners trying to sell their wares.
Is your resume clear?
Thoughts on what you’re communicating to prospective employers.
Why Analytics Matter More than Ever
Companies that effectively use them will be far more successful than those that don’t.
Four of the Biggest Mistakes That Non-Fiction Writers Make
There’s no shortage of laziness out there.
Not All APIs Are Created Equal
Examining one of the most pervasive platform myths.
People Operations: Three Hard Truths
Actually doing something with data is infinitely more important than a department’s name.
Partners Can’t Do It Alone: The Case for Removing Internal Obstacles
A few obstructionists in key places can derail even the most promising new tools, projects, and products.
A Better Way to Vet Potential Partners, Part II
Big Data, Consulting, Management
Don’t see a documented case study? Big red flag.
Publication of Message Not Received
My seventh book is now officially out.
Why People Need Banking, Not Banks
Thoughts on Apple and the On-Demand Economy
Why I Quit the Web-Design Business
Faves, Project Management, Technology
Thoughts on what was briefly a plank in my platform.
Is Message Not Received a Departure?
Understanding how this book relates to my prior six.
3 Things That Marketers Can Learn From Message Not Received
Explain your product/service to a few teenagers. Do they understand what you’re pushing?