It turns out that there’s a ton of overlap between free joe and reinstating a booted CEO.
Category: Management
“Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.”
—Peter Drucker
Category: Management
On OpenAI and Employee Empowerment
What happens when a dissatisfied board and a loyal workforce with white-hot skills collide? We’re about to find out.
Cluelessness in Virginia
The pendulum has swung towards employees. LinkedIn management understands as much, but one governor never got the memo.
What CD Sales Teach Us About the Future of Work
In which I drop a panoply of music references and liken the idea of returning to an office to a nearly obsolete product.
What I Learned Visiting an Amazon Fulfillment Center
Thoughts on my recent tour of an insanely large facility.
Thoughts on Facebook’s Mistaken Deletions
The company’s explanation doesn’t come close to passing the smell test.
Thoughts on Facebook’s Stock Drop
Where does the world’s largest social network go from here?
Why I Barely Tweet Anymore
From ten times per day to ten times per month.
The Future of DevOps
Thoughts on where it is going.