Interest in this one is particularly strong. As a result, I’m moving the release date up again. Expect it by November 10th or so.
I’ve got news.
I’m dropping a new book early next year.
Here’s the skinny.
For decades, our relationship with workplace technology has been, in a word, complicated. The pandemic only made it more so.
The stats are astonishing. Two in three employers cannot find qualified candidates to fill their open IT positions. By 2024, the deficit of software developers in the US alone will hit 500,000. Supply and demand for techies are out of whack and, most alarmingly, there’s no end in sight.
The effects of this labor market imbalance are profound and difficult to overstate. Nearly three in four technology leaders cannot focus on their strategic priorities. Countless other firms, departments, teams, and leaders have struggled because IT can’t deliver the tools they so desperately need. Adding salt to the wound, business units now need new applications to address the logistical challenges posed by pervasive remote and hybrid work.
Organizations today are at a crossroads. They need to solve these thorny tech problems. Now. But how?
Supply and demand for techies are out of whack and, most alarmingly, there’s no end in sight.
In Low-Code/No-Code: Citizen Developers and the Surprising Future of Business Applications, I square this circle. My thirteenth book deftly illustrates how, thanks to powerful new tools and a new breed of employees, organizations are finally fulfilling critical business needs and reducing their reliance on pricey software developers.
Low-Code/No-Code is an invaluable treasure trove of insightful analysis, synthesis, examples, and advice. At the risk of being immodest, it will be arriving at the perfect time, but you can pre-order the Kindle version now. The physical book will be available for pre-order in December.
Massive props as usual to my friend and über-talented cover designer Luke Fletcher.
Hi. I am a reader from China. Recently I am looking for books regarding low-code and no-code for personal study and research purposes and very glad to see your new book publication plan. I’m wondering if there will be Chinese versions. If no translation was planned, may I be honored to translate your book into Chinese? Thanks very much.
That’s certainly possible. I work with Dropcap on my new titles and I’ll pass this along.