The startup may very well change how we deliver presentations—a welcome change indeed.
Category: Technology
“Technology is wonderful when it isn’t in the way.”
—Marillion, “Montreal”, words by h
Category: Technology
Thoughts on Slack Connect
Communication among employees in different organizations is now more robust and easier than ever.
An Note on Slack For Dummies Pre-Orders
Let’s help out independent book stores.
Never Waste a Good Crisis
Thoughts on what students can do in these trying times.
Geeking Out Over Scrabble in Python
Writing a little script to calculate the streak needed to hit a user-defined winning percentage.
A Quick Note on Slack’s New UI and Slack For Dummies
The new book reflects Slack’s most updated version.
Tips for Professors Teaching Online for the First Time
Some tools to help newbies weather the transition.
Who’s Won the Most Majors? An Interactive Dataviz
With the US Open going on, why not play with some golf data?
Visualizing Men’s Grand Slam Winners
Playing with data and discovering insights have never been easier.