Award-winning author, dynamic keynote speaker, trusted advisor, & workplace tech expert 


Five Sites I Can’t Live Without

The web is a really big place with oodles of neat and über usefl sites. Here are my top five these days.
May | 14 | 2010


May | 14 | 2010

The Web is a really big place. If you’re like me, then the following are true:

  • You spend way too much time in front of a computer.
  • You like to spend more time outside when possible.
  • You’re constantly looking for new sites.
  • You constantly make obscure music and movie references hoping that others will get them.

So, without further ado, here are five sites I can’t live without:

  1. Down for everyone or just me – This site is just what you’d expect: it tells you if the problem is on your end or with the site. Trust me. With Comcast as my ISP, this site is freaking essential.
  2. Meet in between – This site tells you a nice midway point and type of establishment. Very self-explanatory and useful.
  3. HootSuite – Managing a Twitter stream is not easy, even with lists. HootSuite lets you add a method to your Twitter madness.
  4. Google Reader – I used to go to 20 different sites to read 20 different blogs. Not anymore. This site has made me a much more efficient reader and essentially obviated the need for me to use RSS feeds and email notification of new posts on my favorite sites.
  5. Grooveshark – The selection of music on this site is crazy. You can’t download anything but you can easily listen to, share, and recommend music to people through social networks. You can also create widgets with songs of your choosing. Check out the sound track to one of my favorite films, The Boondock Saints.

What sites can’t you live without?

Image from Naoh.

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 Blog E Miscellany E Five Sites I Can’t Live Without

1 Comment

  1. Paul Saunders

    Hi Phil…. thanks for the links.
    I’m loving what we would call “Ronseal URLs” in the UK…. i.e. does exactly what it says on the tin!!  Your first and second links do just that.

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Blog E Miscellany E Five Sites I Can’t Live Without

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1 Comment

  1. Paul Saunders

    Hi Phil…. thanks for the links.
    I’m loving what we would call “Ronseal URLs” in the UK…. i.e. does exactly what it says on the tin!!  Your first and second links do just that.