Award-winning author, dynamic keynote speaker, trusted advisor, & workplace tech expert 


2010: A Look Back and Forward

Thoughts on the year that was.
Dec | 20 | 2010


Dec | 20 | 2010

This time last year, I wrote a post summarizing my 2009 and looking forward. Let’s do the same now. It’s been an interesting year with a good number of accomplishments–both personal and professional. In this post, I’ll look back and foreword.


Looking back, I am particularly fond of the following events and achievements:

  • It’s hard to top the premeir of the Rush documentary and the fist-pumps that I exchanged with Alex and Geddy (about 1:33 in here). Yes, I’m the guy in the “Got Geddy” blue t-shirt with the ear-to-ear grin. Great event—and the concerts supporting the forthcoming album were just awesome.
  • I am particuarly proud of the publication of my third book, The New Small. It’s my best book, period. Early reviews (such as this one from Dawn Westerberg) have been extremely positive. Along these lines, the Kickstarter project was particularly inspriational. I made some great new friendships with some incredibly dynamic small business onwers.
  • The launch of my new book site was quite a rush (pun intended). My developer @shiriamram is ridiculously talented.
  • Attending DataFlux ideas and speaking to the attendees was amazing. These folks are just amazing to work with.
  • I appeared on television for the first time to discuss my new book. Fastest seven minutes of my life.
  • Five words: An honest 85 at Rutgers. I shot the single best round of my life at the end of the summer with a only one double bogey. I’m not a good golfer but I remember every shot of that round. There weren’t that many, after all. (Ironically, I’m still a bit miffed that I three-putted 18.)
  • My new iMac Pro brought me into an entirely different world. I still have quite a bit to learn, but it’s neat to no longer be on the outside looking in at what I believe is the future of computing.


I have my health, a great cadre of friends, some degree of financial stability, and a reasonably solid family unit. It’s hard for me to gripe too much. However, not everything went my way in 2010. That’s life. Disappointments included:

  • I thought that my second book would do better than it did. I’m proud of it and I suppose that that’s all that ultimately matters.
  • Along these lines, I expected to speak at a few more conferences. I had chances to go to some fairly big events but people seemed to have a problem with paying me to travel and share my knowledge. Maybe this had something to do with the economy. Maybe I just wasn’t giving off the right vibe. Something tells me, however, that this is about to change.
  • After 25 years, drummer Mike Portnoy left Dream Theater. (Mike – you’re not reading this and I don’t know you, but I’ve met you a bunch of times and just hope that you find whatever you are looking for.)

The Year Ahead: A New Level?

I’m going “all in” with The New Small. It’ll be available electronically in early January of 2011, once I make a few minor fixes. I can’t release details yet, but I have a great shot to be on some very prominent TV shows and to keynote some conferences for the first time. I believe that the new book hits on something very important.

What do you wish for in 2010?

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